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آیا اهمیتی دارد که چه بپوشیم؟

مقاله مقاله: آیا اهمیتی دارد که بپوشیم؟ بررسی اجتماعی شناختی لباس و ارزشهای انسانی

نام مقاله به انگلیسی: Does it Matter What We Wear? A Sociolinguistic Study of Clothing and Human Values

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قسمتی از متن مقاله به انگلیسی

This paper sets out to examine the differences in people’s reactions to each other as a function of dress style to see how a stranger clothed in different modes of dress is reacted against. Effects of two dress conditions, the former normally worn by upper-middle class members of society and the latter often worn by lower-class members (style A and style B, hereafter), were investigated under controlled conditions. To this end, three female housewives clothed in the two sets of polar garment styles were selected as buyers to have shopping experiences in different settings. Results indicated that participants (clients) of the study received different reactions from their respondents (sellers) in the two different conditions of dressing. In other words, participants in style A were accepted more readily than when they were dressed in the style B. This seems to indicate that clothing has a great impact on social interaction and impression management. Keywords: Non-verbal communication, Clothing signals, Human values, Garment style

Non-verbal communication usually occurs through the process of communicating wordless messages using the medium of “silent language” as called by Edward Hall (1959). It is accomplished through different types of nonverbal communication signals such as gesture, body language or posture, facial expression and eye gaze, object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture, vocal cues, etc. In fact, a significant amount of communication that goes on between people is nonverbal. To Brown (2007), what we communicate nonverbally in our conversations is so much that it often makes the verbal aspect of the communication negligible. While communicating with each other, people are constantly sending nonverbal signs to each other and make an impression about themselves to the surrounding people and that impression forms the basis of their acceptance. This acceptance, in turn, functions as a criterion for the success or failure of their communication. Along with all other nonverbal signals, clothing as probably the most prominent source of nonverbal communication transmits messages which are important aspects of communication (Brown, 2007). Even in the presence of other indicators, clothing makes a statement and tells people more about their wearers before opening their mouth to speak (White, n.d.).

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